Why Is Body Plethysmography with a Cabin the Gold Standard for Pulmonary Function Testing and Lung Volume Measurement?

While spirometry is the most commonly used method for evaluating pulmonary function in clinical practice, there are times when it’s necessary to measure the volume of air the lungs cannot displace (static lung volumes). This is why body plethysmography remains an essential technique in pulmonary function testing. The first test was conducted by DuBois in […]
Whole Body Plethysmography: A Complete Guide to Lung Volume Analysis

The body plethysmography test is the only precise way to measure lung volumes. With advancements in technology, including ultrasonic flow measurement, modern body plethysmography machines can detect even the smallest changes in pulmonary function. In this article, you’ll find scientific evidence explaining why cabin-based body plethysmography offers unique advantages that establish it as the gold […]